Friday 6 October 2017

Analysis of Results

Along with collecting data on the effectiveness of the tool, I also ask students to rate their confidence once the unit had been completed.

Comparing data from the start of the year to the end, shows an improvement in students having faith in their ability to complete written reviews.

When reviewing my results, I think back to the initial problems that I faced at the start of the year and to see a huge improvement in student self-efficacy despite the obstacles, has been pleasing.

With the increased belief in writing ability helped students achieve at the required curriculum level and improve on results from the previous year.

Sunday 1 October 2017

Student Feedback

While collating post inquiry data, I also got student thoughts about using voice typing.

“It was easier to get the work done and say what was on your mind instead of trying to find the words to explain what you mean.”

“It meant that I could have a conversation with Sir and the question was answered without me having to worry about writing stuff down.”

“I liked it how Sir talked to us and helped us get the answer we wanted for our assessment. Then it was recorded for us on our document.”

Overall, majority of my feedback was positive, outlining the benefits of using voice typing. The common theme to come out of this feedback was closely related to what I found in my research, which identified that talking is a far more natural way of communicating.

However, one major problem that was identified while using the tool was the background noise. Often words mentioned by someone in close proximity were detected and embedded on the document of the student using 'voice typing'.

“If you were in a crowded place it didn’t always pick up what you said and sometimes it wrote down a different word to what you were saying.”

Lastly, feedback suggested a select group of students found the tool difficult to use. I believe this was due to very low levels of self-efficacy. Because of their very low level of literacy, no matter how they gathered evidence for their task, they found it difficult to complete. This was a fear I had throughout my inquiry, as some of my students demonstrated extremely low levels of efficacy and to get them to show any belief in their writing was difficult.