Tuesday 12 June 2018

Students Thoughts

After gathering as a group of teachers to discuss our hunches, I still had no idea what I was going to do to help lift student writing outcomes in my class. After hearing what other teachers were discussing, one person mentioned that positive praise is essential to help lift student confidence. This got me thinking, as this would be perfect for my group of students. Offering positive praise could help increase efficacy in the task (writing) and hopefully improve outcomes (results).

Not long after this meeting, I created a survey so I could gather student voice. Due to my inquiry being based on increasing self-efficacy in students writing, I wanted to know whether positive praise would improve this. Below is the data of this question.

As you can see there is a 50% split between definitely and it could help somewhat. Therefore, 100% of students believed that positive praise would help increase their self efficacy in their writing. This is something that I will implement in my next unit with these students.